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Ever After High: Once Upon a Twist: Rosabella and the Three Bears Read online

Page 5

  “Maybe you can paint me into your picture,” Daring proposed, taking a long look at Baby Bear’s forest scene. “But you’ll have to make me hextra handsome… and maybe a little less hairy.”

  Everybody laughed. Daring Charming had apologized, but he was still himself. Even when he had a runny nose!


  Story Solved

  As they made their way back to the cottage, Momma Bear and Poppa Bear kept inviting more and more critters to dinner.

  “It’s the right time for a spellebration!” said Poppa Bear after he had spread the word to a family of deer.

  Cedar was so happy that the search for Baby Bear’s painting supplies had worked. The forest critters came to the spellebration with bags full of new supplies for him to use. The otters from the brook were especially hexcited to help out Baby Bear.

  “We took some of the reeds from the shore and made fine-tipped brushes for small details,” an otter said.

  Soon every critter had arrived. They had canvases made of bark and leaves for Baby Bear, and the butterflies brought the most beautiful assortment of paints made from flower pollen.

  Baby Bear kept blushing. “I’m so grateful for you guys. Who knows how I would have kept painting without your help?”

  “I’m sure you would have figured out a way,” responded Cedar. “But having friends makes everything better. I wonder how long it would have taken to solve this mystery if the whole forest hadn’t worked together to figure it out.”

  “I would have blown down so many more houses!” hexclaimed Daring. He wiped his nose on a handkerchief and glanced at Rosabella to see if she was impressed.

  “Let’s not worry about what could have happened, and spellebrate what did happen! Thanks to some unhexpected characters, it looks like this story will have a happy ending ever-after all,” Momma Bear said from beside the stove. She was chopping up vegetables for Daring’s soup, and Daring had even volunteered to help.

  “As long as you promise not to sneeze into this soup,” Momma Bear had warned. Daring wore Poppa Bear’s apron while he cooked.

  “You actually look a little dashing in that apron,” joked Rosabella. But it was true. She liked Daring better when he was lending a helping hand, even as a Beast.

  “Really? Do I dazzle? How’s my fur?” he immediately asked. “Do you have a mirror?”

  Rosabella just rolled her eyes and laughed.

  Meanwhile, Baby Bear and Cedar were busy in the living room, setting up an easel the beavers had made. “I’m going to paint a picture for everybody who helped me out,” decided Baby Bear.

  When the food was ready, Baby Bear didn’t even notice. He was too busy painting a picture of their new story’s ending. It was a painting of everybody spellebrating in the Bear family kitchen.

  Rosabella peeked her head into the living room and saw the painting. “That’s just right, Baby Bear. You’re really talented. You even remembered to add the red highlights in my hair!”

  “This is all thanks to you! You were really great at helping everyone be more understanding of one another. If it weren’t for you, the whole forest might not be spellebrating tonight!” responded Baby Bear, brushing some paint from his paws.

  “That’s a fairy sweet thing to say, Baby Bear. I think the forest is in great hands with you.” Rosabella gave him a warm hug. “It’s time to eat, though. Can you take a break?” she asked.

  “Definitely. I’m always ready for some more porridge.” He stood up quickly and almost knocked over his easel.

  In the kitchen, it was just like Baby Bear’s painting. The birds were flying around with the salt and pepper shakers. Poppa Bear was serving everybody bowls of porridge. Daring seemed much better as he sipped on his soup. His nose was returning to a regular color.

  Rosabella sat down next to Cedar. “Cedar, you’ve been an enchanting mystery-solving partner.”

  “You too, Rosabella! I’m glad this mix-up happened so we had the chance to find out what a good team we make.”

  “Definitely,” said Rosabella, yawning. After a bite of porridge, she was beginning to feel fairy sleepy. It had been a long day with a lot of plot twists. “But we still haven’t figured out how to complete our midterm hexam and get back to Ever After High.” As Rosabella spoke, her eyes were fluttering closed.

  “Rosabella! It looks like you might fall asleep face-first into your porridge bowl!” hexclaimed Momma Bear.

  Rosabella quickly startled awake. But almost instantly, her eyes began closing again.

  Baby Bear giggled softly. “It looks like Rosabella Beauty is becoming Sleeping Beauty,” he joked.

  “Rosabella, how about you go upstairs and take a nap in a bed?” suggested Momma Bear. “We can worry about getting you home tomorrow.”

  “S… s… sounds good,” sighed Rosabella, and she waved good-bye to all her new friends before heading upstairs.

  The Bear family beds were just like the Bear family! There was a huge bed for Poppa Bear, a big bed for Momma Bear, and a smaller bed for Baby Bear. She slid into Baby Bear’s bed. It was super soft and comfortable.

  “Wow!” declared Rosabella. “This bed is just right for me.”

  In a few seconds, she was fast asleep.


  The moment Rosabella fell asleep, she found herself back in her Ever After High classroom. She must have made it to The End!

  Cupid ran over to Rosabella’s side.

  “Rosabella! Were you in a fairytale mix-up, too? What happened? How did you get to The End?” Cupid asked all at once.

  “Wait a spell…” Rosabella said, looking around. “That was a surprising end to the story!”

  But then Rosabella spotted Daring and Cedar sitting behind her, looking just as confused. Daring still had a spoon full of soup in his hand. Rosabella realized that she’d finished the fairytale in her own special way! She’d tried the porridge, she’d sat in a cozy chair, and finally, she’d slept in a Bear family bed. But that wasn’t the whole picture. In fact, Goldilocks and the Three Little Pigs ended up being more of an adventure than Rosabella could’ve ever imagined. She’d helped Baby Bear continue painting, solved a mystery with Cedar’s help, and even made Daring a more thoughtful prince! That’s a fairy happy ending ever-after all, she thought.

  “You know, Cupid?” Rosabella said. “Sometimes the wrong fairytale turns out to be just right!”

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